Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Just the Way I Work and Am.

Am starting to suspect that I am, if not bonkers, then certainly a bit bi-polar (how very trendy!). Looking back over my blog posts for all my blogs (how manic is that?), I seem to be either full of energy and ideas or dragging my sorry ass through the mud, predicting (or at least fearing) gloom and disaster. How dull for all. Still, at least I can get to grips with the fact that if I'm down, it won't get too bad (I am fortunately spared the depths of despair suffered by some poor souls), and I'll soon feel perkier and more energetic.

I seem to have got myself into that silly situation again where I'm counting the days down to my next supervisory meeting and am fighting to get the word-count up. I blame the extended school holidays that have punctuated April and thoroughly disrupted my schedule.
I've realised that I just can't work with anyone else in the house, so that kind of rules out evenings and weekends, despite my best intentions (and the 'satellite study' that I set up in the bedroom).
I'm coming to realise that my working conditions are quite specific: I need total concentration and a looming deadline. This rather contradicts my early-PhD dreams, of endless sunny days reading and making notes, followed by a relaxed and focussed session of writing up.

Nope, my doctoral studies are turning out to be an assortment of panicked pages, sweaty nightmares and pangs of anxiety. And do you know - I'm actually producing some reasonable stuff.....!